Sunday, September 30, 2012

life is hard

life is hard recently, he is juggling between homework, trying to be the best programmer in the world, getting the best of his stay in US, trying to make friends, having fun, trying to improve his speaking, not eating too much, finding his niche, how to start a not so boring conversation, how to be a better people person, how to improve his tennis game, getting a job, making sure he doesn't fail a paper etc...


its getting really cold now days  but cold weather doesn't mean more sleeping time unfortunately

Sunday, September 2, 2012

6 millisecond difference

he's amazed how the class actually spent 1 hour in proving on what is the best way to print in java. the result of the debate only differ by 6 millisecond but that's not important. the take away for him in the class was the statement by the professor.

"the number 1 rule in software optimisation: don't!"

all the things he saw on tv, about how classes are conducted over here i.e; the curiosity of the students, knowledge of the professors, the intellectual debates in class and stuff...(in case you're curious) its kind of true.


he saw a turkey on the side of the road today. ya-hunh, real turkey in a residential neighbourhood. he think its a bid odd but a lot of things are odd over here.  here is the list of odd things he experienced so far:

1. turkey on the side of the road
2. deer on the side of the highway
3. slugs
4. the rabbits that come out at night
5. ... (shall be continued later)

anyway ya-hunh means 'yes' in pittsburghese